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Re: Access Portal - Reverse Proxy - OWA: Attachment size limited?
- Login via SSH into Firebox.
- Start config-mode with configure
- no access-portal url-mappings proxy-buffering enable
I found this command in this KB article because I got the same [crit] log message.
Re: iPadOS18 IKEv2 Mobile VPN + Authpoint
I ran into the same issue (payload ID size too small) in a slightly different setup (IKEv2, Radius, iOS18) and found that the client profile for the IKEv2 Mobile VPN does not contain a LocalID, which seems to bother iOS at least on the iPhone.
My solution/workaround/whatever you call it was:
- download the client profile from the WG Appliance
- extract, dive into the MacOS_iOS-Folder
- edit the xxx.mobileconfig with your favourite text editor
- find the <key>LocalIdentifier</key> tag, which should be followed by an empty <string /> tag
- insert an identifier into that string-tag, a UFQDN like user@vpn.internal should suffice, it seems not to be verified anywhere (though I did not run any IKE message tracing)
the segment should then look like
<string>user@vpn.internal</string>save, then airdrop/push the .mobileconfig to the iOS-device and install.
worked for me.
Have a good day.
Re: Cannot login to Dimension
You can move the old Dimension database to the new instance of Dimension.
Move the Dimension Database to a new Dimension Server
Be sure to block TCP port 80 Internet access from the new Dimension Server, as indicated in the above Known Issue link
Re: Cannot login to Dimension
Do you have a backup from before the 1st July as a known issue is breaking the ethernet interface Issues&SFDCID=kA1Vr0000003ojRKAQ&lang=en_US
Re: Web Access database on PC?
I'd reached out to support and they provided the necessary tool. We're all good now. I appreciate the quick response.

Re: New configuration - cannot connect now
Is the firewall providing DHCP on the Trusted interface?
It is really hard to help without knowing what you set up for the firewall trusted and external subnets/IP addrs, and what else you conifgured.
Re: Mobile VPN with SSL connection from Trusted LAN
The issue is still present -- it is targeted to be fixed in the next release version
If you are running into the issue, you'll need to follow the directions in the KB to work around it.
Re: Change the email address for alerts etc
Alerts from EPDR/EDR/EPP for detections, or devices found on the network... will be sent to the email specified directly on the online console for the product.
Hope this is what you were looking for!