WebBlocker Override for youtube access
I have tried to using WebBlocker for denying access youtube and facebook with override, but I have a problem, but when I test for youtube access, I can override but not appears image and I can't play the video. So I try for access facebook and result is override work to good.I wait for a few minutes I think that cause the page might not load correctly or completely, but I still cannot play the video. And then I got this log.
2019-08-08 10:22:19 Deny https/tcp 10566 443 1-Trusted 0-External ProxyDeny: HTTP Request categories (Outgoing_HTTPS-proxy_IT-00) HTTP-Client.Standard.APT.2 proc_id="http-proxy" rc="595" msg_id="1AFF-0021" proxy_act="HTTP-Client.Standard.APT.2" cats="Social Web - YouTube" op="GET" dstname="i.ytimg.com" arg="/vi/3PBUxxVCtFI/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEYCNIBEHZIVfKriqkDCwgBFQAAiEIYAXAB&rs=AOn4CLAHlvNr1IN0bUDOt0uGs3d0pX3KOA" geo_dst="USA" Traffic
Please kindly advice.
Ajep Al Murnando
Whenever you post, please include your XTM version.
YouTube content comes from many domains. i.ytimg.com is one of them.
I'm not sure how WB should work for access to a site such as YouTube with multiple domain accesses when using the over-ride.
Consider opening a support incident on this.
Hi bruce,
Ok noted, for next post, I'll include the XTM Version.FYI currently I using Firebox M470 with fireware 12.5 and WSM 12.5.
I think category "media streaming : Youtube" on WebBlocker already included all domains from youtube.
Ajep Al Murnando
Ok, thanks bruce. I just wondering, maybe someone here ever get same case with me. So I try ask here for discuss.
Ajep Al Murnando
Did you find a solution for this?
I am having the same issue with M370 12.5
Hi @ajep_almurnand0 @LudwigKa
You'll likely need to do an webblocker override for * (all sites) as the number of individual exceptions that you'd need to make in order to allow a video is rather high. They can also change depending on your region, video settings, etc.
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support
does anyone know how to completly block youtube access from a specific ip on my network?
Add a HTTPS proxy From: the to be blocked IP addr To: Any-external
On the Proxy action, add a Domain Names entry for a Pattern Match for *.youtube.com, set to Deny & Log
Make sure that this policy ends up above any policy which allows HTTPS packets from the blocked IP addr
Hi, i'm a new member, I'm sorry for my English, I have a problem with the youtube application for Android. With the latest update of the youtube app, The rule in the Application Control Proxy, no longer blocks the updated youtube application. I have activated all the Application control action settings necessary for blocking the youtube app, but this is not blocked. I have also updated the M370 to the latest available OS version 12.8.2 (Build 666661), but I have not solved anything..
Do you have any solution? Or should we wait for the watchgurd programmers to post more updates?
Could be that the app is using QUIC - HTTP & HTTPS over UDP, instead of the standard HTTP & HTTPS using TCP.
The Fireware HTTP & HTTPS proxies do not inspect UDP packets.
I have a Custom Packet Filter policy near the top of my config which blocks QUIC - UDP port 80 & 443 - HTTP & HTTPS over UDP.