best way to use multiple wan links for bovpn ?

i found this document: balancing

are there other ways ?
is this possible if one side only has one wan-link ?

different os / different XTM


  • ok , my intension of "use" was not aktive/passiv failover but some kind of active/active solution ( load balance, load sharing, aggregation or something like that )

  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @Norman

    You can use a BOVPN Virtual interface with metric based routes, However, there's not a way to load balance or use both WAN links for one tunnel at the same time.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

  • hi James,
    why does the OS not simply accept the same metric on BOVPN Virtual interfaces with the same route ?
    could you make a feature request ?

  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @Norman

    If the firewall had the same metric for two routes, it'll generally use whatever one it received first (there are some exceptions to this, mostly in sd-wan.)

    I can look at making a feature request, but it's important to differentiate here that more connections does not equal more speed.

    -What is the goal in your use case? (I need this information for the feature request.)
    -What WatchGuard firewall do you use, and what OS is it running?

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

  • in this case it is a FireboxV-med , OS 12.5.2 used as a central VPN concentrator
    goal is to utilize two uplinks on bovpn.
    link aggregation is not needed, but balance the sessions equally would be nice.

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