BOVPN over CenturyLink fiber

M470 12.11
T25 12.10

Trying to create a BOVPN over a Century Link home fiber connection from the T25 to the M470 at the main office.

Century Link home fiber requires an interesting solution for a third party product (T25) to replace CL's router.

You need to create a VPN w/ID 201, configure it as an external PPOe interface with dynamic addressing to work.

Created the Gateways, Tunnels, PSK, IKEv2 and identical transform settings and nothing works.
Rekey tunnels, change transform settings, change to IKEv1 and still no luck.

I have another BOVPN from a remote office that uses a Century Link DSL connection that runs fine.
Tried copying those settings and still no luck.

VPN diagnostic report from home office M470:

BOVPN Gateway(House to Work)'s endpoint #1 has a dynamic remote IP address. The configured DNS server was unable to resolve the remote ID ( to a valid IP address.
Recommendation: Ask the remote site to initiate the tunnel.

Have tried to ping devices on remote network tunnel to initiate and the ping fails.

VPN diagnostic report from remote T25W:

Error Messages for Gateway Endpoint #1(name "BOVPNtoWORK")
Mar 06 11:25:20 2025 ERROR 0x02030015 Message retry timeout. Check the connection between local and remote gateway endpoints.

I can ping the remote gateway endpoint on the T25 from the M470 so I know it's good.

Any ideas or suggestions?


  • Doug

It's usually something simple.


  • On the M470, it looks like you have specified the Remote Gateway - gateway ID as By Domain and entered an IP addr, since a DNS server is trying to resolve an IP addr.

    1. try selecting Static IP addr and using the current remote IP addr
    2. use a DYNDNS setup and specifying the DYNDNS name for the remote end Domain Name
  • Sounds logical there Bruce, but the remote gateway tunnel ID is specified by IP address, not Domain information.
    Which makes the VPN diagnostic report seem a bit off doesn't it?

    I'm thinking maybe rebooting the M470 may be in order. May as well update to 12.11.1 while I'm at it.

    It's usually something simple.

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