System Manager or Dimension BOVPNs
Hello - We're starting to roll out more WatchGuard products to our work from home offices, and each one requires a VPN to the home office. I'm looking for suggestions on the best way to setup/manage the BOVPNs and devices. We have an M470 cluster at the headquarters location that these will be connecting with.
Any insight is appreciated.
Thank you
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System Manager managed BOVPNs require a System Manager device license for each endpoint.
Not sure how many licenses you get with your Cluster - looks like it is only 4.
See this for some reference pricing for WSM license upgrade packs:
Dimension managed BOVPNs requires an active LiveSecurity license and a Dimension Command license for each endpoint.
See this for some reference prices for Dimension Command:
The Dimension Command license is included within the Total Security Suite license.
Or a 3rd option - manual BOVPNs - which do not require either of the above.
Manual BOVPNs are not that difficult to set up.