BOVPN with stormshield device
Hi experts,
A customer asked us the possibility to esatblish a BOVPN with another firm that uses stormshield as firewall device.
Stormishild is a merge of three french firewall producers: stormshield, arkoon and netasq.
we have planned to sell a new M270 for this purpose from our side.
Anybody has experience to configure a BOVPN with such devices?
do you have any configuration examples?
any help will be appreciated.
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Hi Gabriele,
the thread is not the newest but was there a solution to this problem or do you have any tips? I am desperately trying to get a VPN between Watchguard and Stormshield with my French colleague.
Regards Alex
Ahi Alex, unfortunately this problem remains unsolved... because this BOVPN was not anymore needed when we installed the firebox....
sorry but I'cant give you furhter indications in how to build this tunnel...