trying to track issue down
client with multiple BOVPN that were previously working.
looking at the FSM I can see that the error message is .
Endpoint 1 - Message retry timeout. Check the connection between local and remote gateway endpoints. (11:02:06AWST 15/03/21)
However when I ping between the gateways ( there is internet access so I have access to WSM on both ends.) I can see the external ip address at both ends.
VPN appears to be configured correctly. However I am seeing tunnel inactive messages. struggling to work out why the VPN will not establish
Best Answer
tried that and still get the same message. I'm going to rekey the ikev1 on both ends and see if this fixes the issue.
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Try a rekey at one end.
If that doesn’t help, try it at the other end
good news. The IKE V1 password seems to have resolved the issue.