
Watchguard Cloud access levels (not just for AuthPoint)

We've set up a client with read only access to their products on WG Cloud (AuthPoint and several Fireboxes). We'd like to be able to give them the ability to work with user accounts in AuthPoint, e.g. delete disabled accounts, reissue tokens etc. but there seems to be no way of doing this without giving them access that also opens up the possibility of them really messing things up, e.g. deleting or editing external resources, gateways etc.

Can accounts be set up with greater granularity so that we can control what they have access to, such as AuthPoint but not Firebox, and what they can do with it?


  • Options
    From what I gather, permissions for the granular sections is not doable. Though it would be a nice feature request.

    The most granular permissions they have is that they’ve allowed partners to create “management groups” to allow owners to restrict access to specific clients… but beyond that there is nothing specifically about the portals themselves.
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