
IKEv2 Powershell Script -RememberCredential

Hello I working on moving my users to IKEv2 and noticed that in the Powershell script that comes from Policy Manage includes the flag -RememberCredential
I'm sure my users will like it; but I'm wondering how secure this would be or maybe how this would effect our security?


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    Depends on if you want to have a pop-up in the IKEv2 VPN connect startup to enter User name and password or not.
    One can edit the IKEv2 VPN settings and add these, remove or change these anyway.

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    Thank you for the response @Bruce_Briggs . I'm actually curious as to the opinion of having it remember the password or not. It has been my experience to always have my users type it in but when I saw WatchGuard thought it was safe to make the default to remember I was wondering if my thinking was no longer current.

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