VPN SSL Access access To BOVPN Sites
I have an infrastructure with 3 Sites in Star
Site 1 :
Site 2 :
Site 3 :
All site are connected with BOVPN in star
When i connect to the site 1 with SSL VPN i can access to ressourses but not to site 2 & 3.
What should I do to allow my SSL VPN users to access site 2 and 3 through the BOVPN tuinnel?
Many thx,
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Allow Mobile VPN with SSL Users to use Resources Through a BOVPN Tunnel
Many Tanks Bruce ! I try it Now
Sory Bruce i can't use this because the tittle say :
Allow Mobile VPN with SSL Users to use Resources Through a BOVPN Tunnel
But after the config windows is : Branch Office VPN ...
this tutorial is completely stupid...
No idea ? Thx
What is stupid about the tutorial?
It explains that you need to add the SSLVPN subnet to your BOVPN Tunnel setups, which is exactly what is needed.
I know but if you look correctly the tutorial ask to add option in Branch Office VPN or i use Virtual BO VPN and i can't add options (Network range & direction) because the option is not present.
But sorry I did not specify used Viruel BOVPN
I think the answer is here :