Dimension on type 2 hypervisor

Is it possible to run Dimension on a type 2 hypervisor VM? I know the documentation recommends Hyper-V or VMWare ESXi, i wonder if it is worth trying out something different.

Thank you!

Best Answer

  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative
    Answer ✓

    I have heard success from folks running it in VirtualBox and VMWare player. If you do get it to run, you're welcome to use it, but WatchGuard will not provide any support for Dimension running on unsupported hypervisors.

    The base VMWare hypervisor license is usually available for free, and HyperV is available as a role on windows 10 pro and better (on supported systems.) There's not really a huge incentive to running it using one of the type 2 systems for most people.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support


  • @james.carson said:
    I have heard success from folks running it in VirtualBox and VMWare player. If you do get it to run, you're welcome to use it, but WatchGuard will not provide any support for Dimension running on unsupported hypervisors.

    The base VMWare hypervisor license is usually available for free, and HyperV is available as a role on windows 10 pro and better (on supported systems.) There's not really a huge incentive to running it using one of the type 2 systems for most people.

    Thank you! :smile:

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