Watchguard EPDR on an Azure Host Pool?

I see EPDR can be bundled in a gold image for VDI use. Is there a way to add EPDR to an existing Windows Session Host (Terminal Server) in Azure? Thanks for reading.


  • David_CarroDavid_Carro WatchGuard Representative

    Hi, markhudy

    When a user opens a session on a TS, the profile folders for that session are stored on the TS.
    So, if you have access to the TS itself, install the product on the TS device, and all files created on it will be protected.
    In other words: if you install the protection on the TS device, all session files created on the TS will be protected.

    I Hope this answers your query.


    David Carro | Technical support
    WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. |

  • David,

    Thanks for the quick reply. I will give it whirl and report back.


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