Bandwith Monitor
It would be great if we can get alerts if our pipeline is 1000 Meg's and we reach 90% of that twice in one week to get an alert on it.
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It would be great if we can get alerts if our pipeline is 1000 Meg's and we reach 90% of that twice in one week to get an alert on it.
Hi @Pedro
The firewall does already have quotas, if you're looking to manage bandwidth. Otherwise, I'd suggest looking into bandwidth reports using a tool like Dimension.
This request, and the others you've posted recently suggest that you're trying to set up a very notification heavy server. I'd strongly suggest going the direction of reports that can be reviewed. If an admin receives a large amount of notifications in a short time, they'll generally start ignoring them rather than acting on them.
For a bandwidth report, you'd be able to look at your bandwidth trends, and compare a rising trend, vice being reactionary on one specific alert, assuming it was acted on.
If you do want to use alerts, I would suggest looking into quotas which can send alerts along with their set action.
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support
Good request. I do this now with PRTG and SNMP which works well.