new external line - no ping to gateway
Firebox M300 - Clustered, 12.5.2
we've just got a new internet line and I connected it to my optional port 4.
x.x.x.88/29 network, x.x.x.89 -> gateway.
Fireboxes are connected via VLAN on my ProCurve switch with the internet router.
I won't get any external access and no answers on pinging the gateway address.
When I replace my Firebox and connect my laptop to the internet gateway port directly, I have instant access!
Any ideas?
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Hi @docmokel
It's a bit tricky to diagnose this without any logs. Do you see any green allow or red deny logs in the firebox traffic monitor when you try to ping?
If you can post that it might help determine what's happening (please ensure you redact any sensitive IP info like you've done above.)
Thank you,
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support
You did change the interface type to External, correct?
Are you seeing a link light on port 4 on the firewall?
Try a power off/on on this new ISP device after connecting it to your firewall - to clear any ARP cache.
Thank you guys; I got some wrong IP-addresse from my ISP concerning Mask an GW address, so there was noch chance to fix it; now, with the correct data, it works (as always...)