AP 125 Unreachable out of nowhere

we are using AP 125 for our wifi and for some time our APs are unreachable. they got the firmware around november last year and after that we changed our M440 for a M590. for a few months everything was fine, but out of nowhere all of them are unreachable. there was no new firmware for the APs and no new firmware for the M590. if i reset one AP it can connect to the M590 just fine and will be Not Trusted. after marking it as trusted, it starts authentication and then its online for a few seconds, until it starts to Update Configuration. after that its unreachable again.
any1 got an idea what could cause this? i tried to disable Auto-Deploy so there is no configuration to update, but that step still happens and the AP goes back to unreachable

the APs themselve work fine, they are still broadcasting all SSIDs they should and everyone can work just fine. but we need to add new devices to the MAC Filter List which wont get pushed to the APs, as they are unreachable for the firebox


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @KimNeumann

    I'm not sure what might be happening there. If you haven't already done so I'd suggest opening a support case. You can do this via the support center link at the top right of the page.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

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