Report on report wifi

Hi, I search a report of the guest hotspot wi-fi, like sites saw, kbytes downloaded etc... I don't have a watchguard cloud, but I developed an external web server for auth the guest so I know their IP and MAC.


  • Hello @racso ,

    this is the list of all reports you can generate using Dimension server (the new Log/Report server free) service you can install locally:

    Once you have IP address, you can generate "Per Client Report" that provide you the information you need.

    -Daniele M.

  • I found out the "Per client report" menù but everything i search I always obtain "No reports available for the selected criteria." Why??????

    how do I attack a file into this post? so I show you that I see.

  • Hello @racso ,

    are you using Packet Filter or Proxy policies in your configuration?
    If you are using packet filter, the packet filter is a kind of policy that check source and destination port protocol and ip addresses, there are very few information on it.

    Using a proxy instead, the entire stack ISO/OSI (7 layers) is checked and if you implement Subscription services like IPS, WebBlocker, AppControl, GAV and so on, will provide you more information.

    Remember also in the policy, that double clicking on it, on "Properties" tab, "Logging" button, to check the option "Send a log message for reports".

    If you still have problem, please open a support case logging to your portal and our WatchGuard Support team will be happy to assist you.

    Thanks in advance,
    -Daniele M.

  • I don't konw the differents but I use Fireware policy manager in order to create a policy. In every policy I use "Send a log message", not "Send a log message for reports", maybe is it the differents?
    where is the message "Send a log message for reports"?

  • Hello @racso ,

    as I said the "Send a log message for reports" is on editing a Policy -> Properties tab -> Logging button -> there is an option there.

    What's the firmware version your firebox is currently running?
    What's the device model?

    -Daniele M.

  • I found out it, in a policy exists in other policy doesn't exist... watchguard system manager is 12.5.0, while the firmware is 12.3.1.
    the policy "HTTP-proxy" e "HTTPS-proxy" doesn't show that checkbox, while other like "Outgoing" shows that checkbox.

  • In Policy Manager, you can find the proxy policies -
    Click the plus sign icon (or Edit - Add Policy) - then you will see the list of Proxies.

    Review this section of the documents:
    About Proxy Policies and ALGs

  • On the HTTP & HTTPS proxy, that check box is on the Proxy Action -> General Settings

  • As Bruce pointed out, HTTP and HTTPS Proxy has in General Setting the option "Enable logging for reports".

    -Daniele M.

  • well, I found out it, like Bruce written, the checkbox is checked, but "Per Client Report" always is empty (No data available), every thing I search. How do I resolve it?

  • Hello @racso ,

    please open a support case going to your WatchGuard Portal.
    WatchGuard support will be happy to assist you checking both Dimension and Firebox configuration.

    -Daniele M.

  • edited August 2019

    Make sure that your new HTTP & HTTPS proxies are above your previous HTTP & HTTPS packet filter policies.
    It does take a little time for Dimension to report the results of the new added proxy policies.

  • thanks a lot, I'll open a new support case.

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