Watchguard SAML autoLogout after 8 Hours

Hallo all,

I have a question.
We use Watchguard Mobile SSLVPN with MS SAML login. But all user will be automatic disconnected exactly after 8 Hours.
I found this Log in my dimension.

<?xml version:"1.0" encoding:"UTF-8"?> 3 1 236309 3 28800 180 SAML 4 3 3 0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 2d80d3b825ee913a8483386b803498e4088b937e 1 0x0 SSLVPN-Users-SAML

28800 how can i edit this Timeout Value in Firebox?

BY the way: Firebox OS version is 12.11.1

Thanks a lot
Best Regards


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