How to configure XTM515 interface from bridge to bridge mode or other way?

I would like to reconfigure my watchguard XTM515 which now has 1 external interface with my cable modem connected and all other interfaces are configured in the tab Bridge with dhcp for my LAN. But now I'll have a seperate Omada router which will act as dhcp server and I would like to use the WG to have the internet from cablemodem on the external interface to go through the WG firewall to an interface where the Omada router will be connected and forward the internet to the LAN. Can I keep it in this "bridge" and better make a policy for this or should I reconfigure the WG and how is the best way to do that? Thanks


  • Other than DHCP, what is the purpose of the Omada router ?

  • edited February 18

    Because the WG XTM515 is old and I don't have active subscriptions anymore, I was going to use the Omada to have control over the LAN and I can control everything over the SDN controller together with the connected Omada switches and AP's

  • If you don't need any of the features not available in Bridge Mode, then that will presumably have somewhat lower overhead, and will not cause possible double NAT from the firewall and the Omada router.

    Best to make this change using WSM Policy Manager as you can make multiple changes prior to uploading the final config to the firewall, and you can easily save the old config back should their be issues with your changes.

  • edited February 19

    Thank you sir, can you get me on the way please how to configure now the WG to bridge mode?
    From which menu can I do that in the Policy manager because now it's grey lighted. I do not need any features in this mode and no double NAT please.
    And suppose if I would leave the WG as it is with all the functions enabled, how should I configure one interface to have all internet traffic go to the Omada router without double NAT?

  • Network -> Configuration: Configure Interface in
    at the top

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