SAML IKEV2 VPN Authentication

With the implementation of SAML auth for SSLVPN in 12.11 we are wondering if this is planned / feasible for use with IKEV2 VPN's? We have recently switched from SSL to IKEV2 (auth via radius) but would love it for us and our clients if we could leverage SAML auth for IKEV2 instead. Is is this in the works?


  • With Watchguard recommending to use IKEv2 it would be great to have this new feature available to IKEv2 VPN for seamless Entra authentication.

  • This would be a great feature to have.

  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @dkeen94 @RohanC @Thomas_S

    SAML requires the client to be able to show pop-ups via a web page for authentication via the IDP - This isn't possible with most built in client OSes, which is what the IKEv2 VPN uses.

    I opened a feature request - FBX-28876 - for this request. If you'd like to follow it, please open a support case and mention FBX-28876 somewhere in the case.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

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