software upgrade on Firebox M400
Hello. I'd like to push down the latest software to this box but don't see the M400 listed. Would you recommend using the higher model or lower model software?
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Hello. I'd like to push down the latest software to this box but don't see the M400 listed. Would you recommend using the higher model or lower model software?
The M400 went End of Life on 30 Jun 2023.
WG software upgrades require a support contract to be in place, and they don't exist for a EoL firewall.
Upgrades to one are no longer possible.
End of Life Policy
Not sure what your current version is but you can update to 12.7.2U2 which is the Cyclops Blink update available to all fireboxes. Even EOL ones.
It's usually something simple.
The last release for the M400 was 12.9.4 and was released on June 28, 2023 which was 2 days before this device went end of life. If your feature key expired on or after June 28, 2023, you should be able to upgrade to 12.9.4.
You can see your feature key in Policy Manager under Setup -> Feature Key, or in WebUI under System -> Feature Key.
The line that says:
Feature: LIVESECURITY@Jun-30-2023
(It must say June 28, 2023 or later in order to be able to upgrade to that version.)
(Fireware 12.9.4 for M400/M500)
(Fireware 12.9.4 Sysa-dl for OS updates from the Web UI for M400/M500)
(12.9.4 Relesae Notes)
(WatchGuard End Of Life Policy)
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support