WG M290, User space crashed and no way to reboot fw


I have ran in weird situation where it seems that for example IKEv2 VPN works but I cannot administer M290 at all.. I can login to web ui but when trying to go to edit mode (to do changes or reboot device etc..) I get error message telling something like "cannot elevate privileges.." and I can see message "Userspace crash" there in Web UI (sorry to give such fuzzy information but I cannot connect to system at the moment...)

I did logged in to m290 (fw 12.9.xxx) via ssh (there was by the way FAULT-text there too) and tried to reboot module but "reboot" gave "Cannot enter config mode".

Because hardware seems to work ok I think problems are about fw so how do I reboot device without having physical contact to device??? (finding way to do old school root level "shutdown -rf now")

Device is in our Proof-of-concept network so it can be booted at any time


  • Since you can't reboot it using the CLI, I expect that a power off/on is likely to be the only way that will work.

    You could try WSM - Firebox System Manager -> File -> Reboot

  • For reason unknown my status user cannot login so WSM is out of question while there is no way to use admin user to login.
    I'm quite amazed that there is no command line tool to overcome such situation :neutral:
    Do I really need remote controlled power plug for all WG devices to do such reset?

  • My guess is that this is an out of memory issue, which is rare from what I have seen
    You can open a support case to see if there is any other option to make it reboot.
  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @JRock,

    If the device is crashed, rebooting may be the only way to get it back online. If you'd like to know more about what happened, I'd suggest creating a support case so that one of our technicians can take a look at it.

    I would suggest that upgrading to a version of Fireware that is more recent may help -- 12.9.x is 18 months old at minimum right now -- many newly discovered security vulnerabilities have been patched since. I can't speak to if that will fix your specific issue without more information about what might have happened, but there's a good chance it may help.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

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