Lumen NaaS setup

We have a multi-wan setup up with dual M470s. We switched one of our ISPs to Lumen NaaS from Lumen 1g service. One of the requirements is that the Lumen interface be on a specified VLAN. How do I set this up with 2 external interfaces going to different ISPs? I found this post that addresses this...sort of. "you'll just need to set up an external interface with the IP, subnet, and gateway. If they require a VLAN, configure it as a vlan and assign it to your desired port (some ISPs are picky about the VLAN #.)" I have 2 external interfaces with an IP, subnet, and gateway setup. Lumen does require a VLAN, how do I configure the Lumen interface as a VLAN and assign it to the Lumen interface(port)?...I know the last bit is circular...a noob question what's the difference between port and interface? Any help on getting this set up would be greatly appreciated!


  • edited November 2024

    As long as you're on version 12.8 or higher (when the feature was introduced), you create a VLAN of type External (set a VLAN ID accordingly), then set the desired physical interface as a VLAN trunk, and configure it to use the VLAN you just created, assuming it needs to be a tagged VLAN.

  • Thanks for the info, I had to update the firmware to get the functionality.

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