SSLVPN Silent Deployment (Upgrade) Reboots Computer

Heads up to anyone who normally deploys SSL VPN updates silently - it appears that the new SSL VPN 12.11 client reboots client computers on silent installation under certain circumstances.

I've not narrowed those exact circumstances down yet - an upgrade on a clean (no other software installed) machine seems to work fine, but every domain computer with all our usual software installed (AV/EDR/etc) rebooted when I deployed it today (much to the surprise of a few people). It occurred on a freshly booted domain machine too.

The command I'm using to silently deploy is the same one I've used for every other previous version:

WG-MVPN-SSL_12_11.exe /silent /verysilent /Components=main,tapdriver /tasks=desktopicon


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @Chris_Kelly

    The 12.11 SSLVPN client adds a few items in order to support SAML authentication.


    If neither of these were installed previously, they may trigger a Windows reboot:

    -Microsoft Edge browser .EXE and runtime files
    -Visual C 2022 runtime files

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

  • You can add a /norestart flag to your commands to avoid the unexpected reboot.

    WG-MVPN-SSL_12_11.exe /silent /verysilent /norestart

  • Hi Armoli, are you sure that /norestart works? If I remember correctly, I tested it and it didn't work. I workaround the problem by distributing the C++ runtime in advance and so that I can control its (C++) installation with that parameter.

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