Mobile IKEv2 user suddenly show RTO

I deployed Mobile IKEv2 VPN on some user. The purpose of it is to let them connect on our internal resources and also I might able to remote their unit using the IP pool given by the IKEv2 configuration.

here is the problem..

I'll already pulled out on how to access the mobile IKEv2 user by putting some policies on the firewall:
Trusted -> IKEv2 user..
However, the problem is this, whenever I tried to remote the mobile IKEv2 user using the IP pool given by the VPN IKEv2 config, it will work but suddenly when I leave it for a while, let say 15 minutes, when I try to remote it again it fail and when I try to ping the IP it shows RTO...the ONLY fix i do to this is asking the mobile IKEv2 user to disconnect and reconnect again and then the IP or connection will be accessible again...

Is there something I can do to avoid this? it is very annoying to me and to the user on the other side. Is there something i miss out on my configuration???


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @HNRobert

    I'm assuming RTO means Remote Time Out?

    If possible, it might be helpful to post full logs (if there are any)

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

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