No configured BOVPNs or VPNs shown in WatchGuard Cloud under LiveStatus/VPN

Hello Community,

from last week on i cannot see any confugured BOVPNs or WatchGuard Cloud under LiveStatus for my WG Cluster- The page shows not data, no connections, no tunnels. . In WSM i only see the configured gateways, tunnels are not shown anyway . On WSM i alos cannot see any VPN connections as well.
This i very strange. Only way i can see valid data is when in connect via Web UI on the cluster.
Any Ideas what caused the problem?

On other Fireboxes everything is fine, i see connections.




  • Hello,

    after rebooting the passive member of the cluster everything is fine again. A Failover test was also successfull.

    Strange behaviour of this device...

    Best regards

  • WatchGuard is investigating my case. I´ll update here...

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