Problema de asignacion de IP
Es posible limpiar la tabla de DHCP del firewall , ya que no se estan liberando las IP por ende no permite mas conexiones dando el siguiente error , no le otorga una ip ya que indica que todas estan ocupadas y me da el siguiente log
2024-08-19 19:01:05 2024-08-19 19:01:05 dhcpd DHCPDISCOVER from b4:86:55:62:a1:67 via vlan680: network no free leases msg_id="1600-0067" Event" Event
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Rebooting the firewall will clear the lease table.
If you're running into this a lot, I would suggest increasing your DHCP pool, or reducing the lease time for your pool so addresses drop off faster.
Remember that clients will check in at 1/2 the time of their lease to renew, so setting the lease time arbitrarily low can cause a large increase in DHCP traffic on your network.
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support