Help changing public IP address from ISP

Hello everyone,

I need some help in finding the right way to change the public IP address of our provider.
Our ISP is changing the IP addresses, i.e. our public IP and the IP of the corresponding gateway. There will be a transition period during which both networks, the one with the old IP and the one with the new IP, will come in parallel, as a tagged VLAN, via the uplink port on the modem.
As we also have some BOVPNs to customers, the question arises as to the easiest way to switch over.
My approach would be to establish a second physical connection to the modem and set up another interface with the new IP and the gateway and then record this as an SD WAN. In the BOVPNs gateways, I store the new public IP as a second entry and when the other side has switched over, I forward the corresponding policies via the SDWAN with the new IP address - I then have to do this 10 times.
Somehow this seems quite complex to me, does anyone have an idea how to implement it more efficiently? Is there anything else I need to consider?
We already use SDWAN as a second ISP also serves as a backup.

Thank you in advance

Edit: locally-managed M270


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @Fire_Smith
    If your isp is delivering via a VLAN, you can in theory set your external interfaces as VLANs on the same interface. They would need to be using different VLAN IDs, and they would both need to be tagged for this to work.

    Otherwise, if you wish to maintain connectivity for a bit with both IPs, your method sounds like the best way to do this.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

  • So much work... :'(
    Thank you.

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