Policy Expiration

I know I can use a schedule to automatically disable or enable policy, but I would like the ability to expire / disable a policy at a specific date and time. Sometime techs will enable a test policy and forget to disable it. I would like to set a SOP that any test policy enabled must have an expiration time set in case they forget to go back and disable it. It would also be helpful for when we have a consultant working and need to create an exception for them. To have the ability to set an expiration date on these policies would be nice.


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @merkem_jc

    If you're using Management server or WatchGuard Cloud to manage your firewall(s) you can schedule a time to remove the policy by erasing the policy and scheduling that change on whatever time/date you choose.

    I'd suggest looking at either/both of those options and going with whichever works better for your set-up.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

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