Web UI Arp table search and export

When using the web ui on the fireboxes and looking for arp table information, it would be great if we could search the arp table and export that information. If it's not possible to add the capability of searching the arp table, a workaround could be making it possible to display all of the arp table information on a single page.


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @NetworkWise

    You can export this via WebUI via the support file.

    If you go to System Status -> Diagnostics, and click to download a support log file

    -Open the TGZ file. (Free tool 7-zip will open tgz files if you need a way to open TGZ files.)
    -Go to support.tgz\support.tar\support\networking\arp.txt

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

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