Cloud logning retension period
On a cluster with one unit having total security and the other having standard support there is different retension time for the logning.
One has 365 days, the other 0.
Is this a cloud bug?
Standard SupportStatusValidExpiration2023-10-08Log Data Retention0 DayReport Data Retention0 Day
Total Security SuiteStatusValidExpiration2023-10-08Log Data Retention365 DaysReport Data Retention30 Days
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If they're in a cluster, the system should be taking the longer of the two and applying it to both. (note that WatchGuard cloud needs to see both devices in a cluster, so if they've just been activated and haven't actually logged anything as a cluster yet, you may not see that.)
If you're not seeing that I would suggest a support case so that it can be corrected.
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support