
Can't login to Firebox X Edge with web browser

I have a Firebox X Edge e-series and it's been about 9years since I tried to login into the Firebox. I was able to access the Firebox using Windows XP and an old IE browser. Unfortunately, the new Edge, Firefox and Chrome browser will not allow me to access the login page. There are no settings in these new browsers to allow me to disable the HTTP proxy settings. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to access the login page from a browser? I appreciate any help I can get.


  • Options

    Access to the X Edge is via HTTPS.

    If the X Edge is running V8.x, then HTTPS should work.
    If it is running V10.x or V11.x, I believe that Adobe Flash was needed in a web browser to access V10.x versions and or V11.x versions below V11.8.

    Adobe Flash has been discontinued by Adobe in 2020. You may be able to find it on an alternative site. Be careful on selecting the site if you choose to download it.
    Also, modern web browsers may not support Flash any more.
    For example - Firefox version 84 was the final version to support Flash. Firefox version 85 (released on January 26, 2021) shipped without Flash support.

    From the V11.8 Release Notes:

    New Fireware XTM Web UI and FireWatch
    The Web UI has been completely redesigned for Fireware XTM v11.8. It is now mobile-ready, no longer requires Adobe Flash, and includes a new set of tools to help you monitor your XTM device.

    If it is running V10.x or V11.x, you may be able to access it using an older version of WSM Policy Manager.

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