computer dhcp IP and ping does not match
The laptop dhcp ip is with hostname laptop-1, but when I do ping or nslookup laptop-1, its pinging another ip
I tried ipconfig /release /renew from the laptop, but its still getting the dhcp (which is fine) but nslookup / ping goes to
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I did try clearing the arp-cache from the systems manager.
Because of this, a policy I applied to this computer doesn't work. I used the FQDN (laptop-1.mydomain.local) just like the other existing computers in this policy.
I also noticed that when I typed in the hostname (laptop-1) of the computer to the policy, it was also resolving to instead of
The firebox is not acting as the dhcp server, a Windows server is. May I can find a way to clear arp from there.
In a CMD box: “arp -d”
Same result. Hostname resolving to incorrect IP.
So when I do nslookup / ping on (the dhcp IP of the laptop using ipconfig), its resolving to another computer.
laptop-1 is a NetBIOS name, and is likely saved in your Windows DNS server and/or WINS server.
Windows domains have lots of possible ways to do lookups.
To see the NetBIOS cache on a Windows device, in a CMD box:
nbtstat -c
nbtstat /? to see all options
Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)
Domain Name System (DNS)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Try flushing the DNS cache on your PC
ipconfig /flushdns
If that doesn't work verify that your DHCP server is dynamically updating the DNS records.
Rt. click Scope > Properties > DNS tab and configure the DNS dynamic updates.
It's usually something simple.
I already tried the ipconfig /flushdns but that didn't update.
These are my settings now
I'm not too familiar with DNS settings. Does this look correct?
"but that didn't update" Update what?
You did the ipconfig /flushdns on your PC, correct?
If so, then Windows is checking your WINS server or your DNS server for this info.
Review this:
TCP/IP NetBIOS and Host Name Resolution
Yes, I did ipconfig /flushdns from my PC (NOT the domain controller handling DHCP)
Thanks, I'll check that also.