DHCP from ISP to provide IPTV over IGMP

We need to send a DHCP Request over WAN/external interface WITH DHCP options so our Firewall gets an IP assigned for Multicast IPTV from our ISP. We can only specificy DHCP options for internal clients on a internal interfaces in the GUI, not external. Has anyone done this before?

OS: 18.2
Firebox M290

Example of what we're trying to achieve on a PFSense

Example of what we need to do with the DHCP on a Sonicwall


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @Security_

    There's not currently a way to expose custom DHCP options on an external interface.

    The PFSense documentation isn't suggesting any specific option, but the sonicwall docs are (option 121.) I can make a feature request for that if that's specifically what you need.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

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