Acces portal error 403
Hello, I haven't been able to access my portal for about 2 weeks, after the first login I get this error:
403 Forbidden
(1, 'failed to decrypt')
Return to Access Portal Watchguard M370
some idea ?
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Hi @toscanatlc
Failed to decrypt sounds like a certificate error -- has the certificate on whatever the firewall is connecting to via access portal expired or been revoked?
Do you see any log lines in traffic monitor related to this when you attempt to access it?
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support
which certificate are we talking about?
@toscanatlc Likely the one that is being presented by the webserver the firewall is connecting to, but that's just a guess. The only information I have here is what you provided:
"403 Forbidden
(1, 'failed to decrypt')"
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support
I'm trying to log in, the authpoint push works, as soon as I confirm the error comes, unfortunately I don't see anything in the logs referring to this.
Hi @toscanatlc
I'd suggest opening a support case so that our team can look into the issue.
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support
I opened a ticket, they suggested I renew the certificate for the access portal, it hadn't expired in fact it expired in 2031, but once it was renewed everything worked again.
Hi, 403 is usually certificates, issues with certificates is often time/date mistmatch. go to firebox system manager, sync the time and that fixed it for me.
I am trying to integrate access portal with Azure AD, it allows me to pass through the authetication succesfully, after which i get 403 decrypt error, tried to upload the certificate used on the access portal to SAML certificates and also added it to token encryption, doesnt seem to help.
Hi @rach263 I would suggest opening a support case so that our team can help and take a look at your logs.
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support