User authentication error
Hi there,
I have a VPN IPSEC profile and user called MyVPN1. This user is working with shrewsoft client without any problems. A second user called MyVPN2 works well too. Now I have created a third user calles MyVPN3. I have set the same settings as the other two profiles. Now when I import the MyVPN3 profile to shrewsoft and want to connect, I get the user authentication error. If I use one of the old user I can connect with the new profile. So my problem must stay at the user called MyVPN3. I have Firebox DB as authentication server. Is there something else I have to do? Is there something I have missed to activate?
Can you please advice me some help?
Thanks a lot
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My guess is that the new user ID password is not entered correctly on your Firebox.
Try re-entering the password in XTM for that user and then test again.
I believe that the password is case sensitive.
I tried it several times with another password. I tried it with a simple password 12345678, where nothing is case sensitiv. Another solution for me is if it is possible, can the user MyVPN1 login several times? Is this possible?
Time for a support incident