Custom template in WSM

can i create a Custom template for Policy incl. Source and Destination in WSM and save it for later use?
now i can create a custom template wich contains the protocols, but source and destination still have to be add manuelly.
Thanks in advance


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @Shady
    You can create a template like this using WSM Management server.

    If you're managing a stand alone device, you can make any modification you want, save it as a file, load it up, and save it to the firewall later.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

  • thanks for the replay.
    what about a single policy? just one policy.

  • Such as when using WSM Policy Manager?
    Then no, this is not an option.
    You can only create a custom packet or proxy template, which does not include source or dest info, or other options which one can specify on a policy.

  • exactly Bruce, this is what i want to know. thank you very much.

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