Shrewsoft VPN 2.2.2 Client and Fireware 12.7.2 /12.8

Hi all

Can anybody please confirm if the Shrewsoft VPN 2.2.2 client is 100% confirmed to work with Fireware 12.7.2 and also 12.8 now it has just been released?

I did ask Watchguard Support but they would only suggest that the IPSec protocol hasn't changed nor did our own VPN Client so I don't see a reason on why this would not work anymore.

With the inability to downgrade after the 12.7.2 upgrade I need certainty the client still works.

Are there users still using the Shrewsoft client that has stopped receiving updates?
Is it still considered secure to use?
Should we really be using the Watchguard SSL Client? I do have this configured but it seems a little slower to use? and also it does have additional overhead with having to upgrade the client generally after each firmware update.

Also, what pre login VPN options are available with Watchguard and do anybody generally use this?

Thanks in advance


  • The Shrew client still works on V12.8

  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Shrew still works, but WatchGuard no longer supports it (it hasn't gotten an update from the vendor that makes it in quite a number of years, and is prone to windows updates breaking it requiring re-installs to fix the network drivers it installs.)

    Unless you need a specific function in the IPSec/IKEv1 VPN, we generally recommend that you use IKEv2 or SSLVPN.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

  • Thanks,

    I have now updated to Firmware 12.8 and can confirm the Shrewsoft VPN Client is still working fine with AD Authentication.


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