SSL auth failed

When a try to connect SSL VPN from Watchguard Client i get a auth failed on watchguard vpn client and the folowing on Traffic Monitor:

2022-02-16 19:28:36 admd Authentication of SSLVPN user [user@domain.LOCAL] from x.x.x.x was rejected, Internal error: failed to parse searching result.msg_id="1100-0005"

But when a try to connect to Authentication Portal from a network PC i get a auth success and the folowing on Traffic Monitor:

2022-02-16 19:32:04 admd Authentication of SSLVPN user [user@domain.LOCAL] from from was acceptedmsg_id="1100-0004"

I'am using Authentication Domain with Active Directory for SSL primary Authentication Domain and is a cloud managed firebox.


  • What do you see in your AD logs when this access is tried?

    Do other SSLVPN users authenticate OK?

    Is this user ID a member of the AD SSLVPN-Users group, or the group name that you specified in the SSLVPN setup ?

  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Consider logging into the WebUI and going to system status -> server connection. You can get more information on AD authentication via the diagnostic tool here.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

  • @james.carson said:
    Consider logging into the WebUI and going to system status -> server connection. You can get more information on AD authentication via the diagnostic tool here.

    It's a cloud managed firebox.

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