
How to allow or block website by specific users ip?

Hello everybody I am using watchguard firewall. And I have to block website on my lan and allow a website's spicified users.
How can I do this. Thanks



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    Add a HTTPS policy To: the IP addr or FQDN of the web site From: the allowed user IP addrs or authenticated user IDs

    Add a 2nd HTTPS policy To: the IP addr or FQDN of the web site From: Any-trusted, Any-optional, with the policy set to Denied.
    This will deny access to the web site.
    Make sure that the 2nd policy ends up below the 1st policy.

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    edited March 2022

    I would set up SSO and do it based off of AD Group. Then you don't have to manipulate local FB users or manage static IPs:


    as a bonus it will allow you to analyze traffic based off of Username which is nice if you want to see if a specific user is using a lot of data.

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