Force All Traffic Through Tunnel -Mobile VPN with IPSec
Hello Watchguard Gurus,
please forgive me if this is a stupid question. We configured VPN Access with Mobile VPN with IPSec and activated the option "Force All Traffic Through Tunnel".
This option automatically creates a rule in the Mobile VPN Section of the Policy Manager with the allowed resource in the VPN definition.
We thought that now all traffic from the clients connected via this VPN uses all other rules defined on the firewall for outgoing traffic. But none of this rules is used for traffic from the VPN-Client to the external network. As soon as we define new rules in the Mobile VPN Section, they are applied to the traffic.
Is the only way to make the already defined rules work in defining the rules again for the Mobile VPN Traffic?
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Best Regards,
Active/Passive Cluster XTM470
OS: 12.7.2
Only the policies in the Mobile VPN tab of Policy Manager are used for the IPSec user VPN connections
Hi Bruce,
Watchguard says that the option "force all Internet traffic through the tunnel" is more secure than split tunneling. But if we have to define all rules again for traffic from the tunnel, this is not really comfortable, especially if you have a lot of rules.
An option to apply existings rules also to the tunnel traffic would bei helpful.
You can post for this on the Product Enhancement section