Route Traffic (SDWAN) to remote LAN and via BOVPN????
Has anyone been able to use SDWAN (or routing) to access remote resources (kinda like PBR?)
I now have a Point to Point connection to our main facility for an office. I need to consistently connect to resources (192.168.x.50/27) from my network (192.168.y.0/24).
So, if I connect to my other side (M270) via a bridge on my IP address (Bridge -> Bridge -> Trusted -> Client Device)....BUT, if the point to point goes out I can not access the resource.
I end up trying to use BOVPN...
resource -> BOVPN -> Client Device.
I can only do SDWAN with External ports so that is not an option (or I make another VLAN and subnet to access resources and add to the complexity. Seems I can have it one way or the other - not both.
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Configure a Branch Office VPN for Failover from a Leased Line
Yeah, their instructions are, well, a mess. Thank you Bruce, you got me FAR further than WatchGuard support who had no idea at all.....
If the WG Level 1 support rep is of no help, nicely request escalation of your incident.
This usually gets you someone who really knows the area in question.
Anything more we can help with here?