change unique IP for multiple for external
In first, sorry for poor english.
We have a firebox M270 with an external eth0 with static IP : X.X.X.A/29
So we could use X.X.X.A to X.X.X.E address
We are about 200 person going out on the internet with the same IP address X.X.X.A
How can I randomly change this external IP address, so all the people will share 5 address against juste one today.
Some websites black-list us because a hundred of simulteanous connexion are seen as an attack.
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You can use Dynamic NAT to help here.
You can create a Dynamic NAT entry for 1/5th of your internal IP addrs, and specify the public IP addr that outgoing packets will get from that range via the Set source IP addr field.
Do the same for 4 other groups of internal IP addrs using the other external IP addrs.
Make sure that your new Dynamic NAT entries are at the top of the entries list.
Add Network Dynamic NAT Rules