VPN SSL Issues

Good Morning,

I've been asked to setup VPN for a small office even though it's totally new to me.
I have setup the wizard on the Watchguard UI and downloaded the client onto my laptop.

I used the public IP I gained from whatsmyip and added that as the Firebox IP Address or Domain Names field. I've setup a test username and password also but whenever trying to connect from the laptop I get the following:

2021-09-16T11:29:17.921 Requesting client configuration from -removed-
2021-09-16T11:29:48.358 FAILED:2021-09-16T11:30:20.474 FAILED:Cannot perform http request, timeout 12002
2021-09-16T11:30:20.474 failed to get domain name

Any help would be appreciated :smile:


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