
Mac OS SSO client active connections


I am testing the SSO client on Mac running 11.5.1 where the Mac is joined to the AD domain.

Without the SSO client installed I see this when I do a net stat -an | grep 445
cp4 0 260 172.x.x.x.445 AD SERVER.49875 ESTABLISHED
tcp4 0 0 .445 *. LISTEN
tcp6 0 0 .445 *. LISTEN
e2a015a4d7b446af stream 0 0 0 e2a015a4d7b445e7 0 0 /var/rpc/ncalrpc/NETLOGON
e2a015a4d7b445e7 stream 0 0 0 e2a015a4d7b446af 0 0
e2a015a4d7b44457 stream 0 0 0 e2a015a4d7b4438f 0 0 /var/rpc/ncalrpc/NETLOGON
e2a015a4d7b4438f stream 0 0 0 e2a015a4d7b44457 0 0
e2a015a4d7b44777 dgram 0 0 0 e2a015a4d7b4451f e2a015a4d7b4451f 0
e2a015a4d7b4451f dgram 0 0 0 e2a015a4d7b44777 e2a015a4d7b44777 0

It all works as expected. As soon as I install the SSO client, whenever I want to reboot or restart the machine, I get a warning saying "There is 4 users sharing this computer. If you reboot connections will be lost".

Netstat -an | grep 445 shows this:
tcp4 0 0 172.x.x.x.445 AD SERVER1.50183 ESTABLISHED
tcp4 0 0 172.x.x.x.445 AD SERVER2.61250 ESTABLISHED
tcp4 0 0 .445 *. LISTEN
tcp6 0 0 .445 *. LISTEN
e2a015a4d7b44777 dgram 0 0 0 e2a015a4d7b4451f e2a015a4d7b4451f 0
e2a015a4d7b4451f dgram 0 0 0 e2a015a4d7b44777 e2a015a4d7b44777 0

Is it expected the SSO client to cause this?


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