T10 MAC and dhcp leases
Hi All,
I have a T10 with one of the access points set to allow only one MAC address to use it .
Question: the interface is set to act as a dhcp server. If anyone else tried to log in, will they show up in the dhcp leases table or do they get bumped well before the dhcp server sees them?
Many thanks,
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Hi @ToddAndMargo
If the MAC address control is set up on the AP itself, you will not see anything show up on the DHCP table.
If you've set up MAC control on the firewall interface itself, you may see it show up, but the response will be blocked.
I'd suggest setting up a strong WPA2 passphrase rather than trying to control access via MAC addresses. MACs are easily spoof-able and will only stop the most causal of access attempts.
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support
Hi James,
Don't worry, the password is nasty difficult.
Where in the Web UI is the "AP itself"? I have "MAC Address Control" set up on Network -> Wireless -> configure access point 1
Many thanks,
So this is a T10-W, and you don't have a real external AP?
If so, then this case 1 above from James.
And, you should be able to easily test this yourself by trying an access using a MAC addr which is not in your approved list.
I am not on site
once every two months
I also have no idea what you meant by "case 1 above from James". Yes, a T10-W
"If the MAC address control is set up on the AP itself, you will not see anything show up on the DHCP table."
You can have someone who is on site test this.
It is on "Network -> Wireless -> configure access point 1". Is that what you are referring to as "on the AP itself"?
Thank you!