unable to get peer cert
Users are suddenly unable to connect to a site they use for taking CC payments. My firebox isn't blocking it, but the connection keeps getting reset. Logs show this
2020-11-05 11:34:59 pxy 0x10c34470-149770 105: -> [B t] {N}: Accept SSL Error [ret 0 | SSL err 0 | errno: Connection reset by peer] Domain: webfeepay.com PFS: ALLOWED | ALLOWED Debug
2020-11-05 11:34:59 https-proxy 0x10c34470-149770 105: -> [B t] {N}: unable to get peer cert
Any help? The site is up, and has valid cert.
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You could add a HTTPS packet filter to that IP addr or domain name, at least temporarily.
For the record, what firewall model and XTM version do you have?
I would also suggest checking the TLS settings in your HTTPS proxy -- make sure PFS is set to allowed.
Bruce's suggestion could work provided that you know the site's IPs or FQDNs that are being accessed.
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support