pxy server requested client certificate - not supported
Here is a new:
2020-11-02 17:41:51 pxy server requested client certificate - not supported Debug
T20w 12.6.2 U3
No clue as to what cert...
I did delete the expired Certificate (subject=c=FR,st=France,l=Paris,o=PM/SGDN,ou=DCSSI,cn=IGC/A,email=igca@sgdn.pm.gouv.fr) but did not reboot.
Perhaps this is related????
I do have a Pending cert - web client cn=WatchGuard Firebox
No idea why this is pending
When I get a chance, I will reboot, and see what changes, if anything
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I don't have that error, but on both my T20-W and T35-W, I had a Pending cert - web client cn=WatchGuard Firebox. I saw it on the T35-W while on 12.5.5 build 627719 and after 12.5.5 U1 upgrade. I deleted both, as well as all expired certs. I believe I have had that same Pending cert before and had deleted it.
Gregg Hill