Login failed. admin is currently logged in from console

I have install Firebox V which 2 interface int0 is external and int1 is Trust and MGT interface, I can ping from other host in VMware to this interface, but when I log in by web UI in my host it alert "Login failed. admin is currently logged in from console ". if anyone can help to advise, how to fix?

Note: no other admin connect to it because my VM has only Firebox V and Window 7 host

Thank you!


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @DaNy
    Console is the virtual serial interface. Open the console on your VMWare or HyperV server and see if there's someone logged in. If so, type logout and press enter.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

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