Event Notifications - error message in WG System manager
Watchguard M270 on 12.5.2
Watchguard T70 on 12.5.2
Watchguard T10 on 12.5.2
I am setting up notifications for a BOVPN and just wanted to clarify it was working because on 3 different watchguard models when I setup the notification the watchguard reports:
2020-10-05 11:02:29 daas on_wgapi_read: unhandled notification id=524295
which leads me to think its can't identify something. But when I click on the events again it is checked. Shy of waiting for a known disconnection can someone confirm this is normal behavior?
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AFAIK, daas notifications are showing logging attempts to WatchGuard Cloud
I see this message occasionally. Not sure what it really means, if anything.
2020-10-05 11:16:05 daas on_wgapi_read: unhandled notification id=524291 Debug
The log ID for BOVPN down is "020B0001" so this is likely a different log (related to Dimension Cloud.)
(You can see it on page 230 of the log catalog
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support
Ok I just realized the box I was checking was for something else (VPN rekey) which is not what I wanted. How do I enter a manual code as that one does not appear in the list of configurable notifications.
In FSM Traffic Monitor
Enable Notification for Specific Messages
Yea that is how I checked the box for the Rekey. But there is only 30 or so codes listed there. How do I enter one not in that list.
AFAIK, you need to wait for one of those events to end up in Traffic Monitor.
Well that's incredibly inconvenient...