Is Newly Registered Website blocking a feature of DNSWatch
I manage a small company who has a new T35, firmware 12.4.1.B595401. A website they're trying to visit is being blocked by the Watchguard Proxy, as a "Newly Registered Website." According to this document
Under the section "Extended Protection: states:
Newly Registered Websites: Scans for newly registered websites on an ongoing basis. The default criteria for classification under the associated category Newly Registered Websites involves unknown (Uncategorized) websites registered within the last 41 days.
This customer did not purchase the DNSWatch subscription so how would we go about creating an exception to this? I tried the general exceptions rule under the Https Proxy but it had no affect.
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This is not cause by DNSWatch - it is caused by WebBlocker.
You can add a WebBlocker exception for this domain or unselect the WB "Newly Registered Websites" subcategory of the Extended Protection category.
Also if you access - that is blocked by the WB action on a HTTP proxy.
Then there is a redirect to HTTPS, so you would also need to make sure that the WB action on your HTTPS also addresses this new site.